Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The best birthday present EVER!

My sweet, hysterically funny, cute, lovable snugglebug Silas turned FIVE on Easter!  Happy birthday, Silas! 
And, a day later, we got the best birthday present I could possibly think of right now!  Results on his Celiac blood test!  NEGATIVE RESULTS!  We had a lot of people praying, and I think it was a miracle in itself that we even had conclusive results!  I could never get a straight answer from any dr, nurse, or lab tech regarding whether or not the celiac blood test would work being that Silas had been off gluten for an entire year.  He did have a few slip ups in the weeks before he got tested, so I am thinking maybe the Lord allowed that so that he would have enough gluten in his system to make it happen! I certainly wasn't going to feed him gluten on purpose just to HOPE to get conclusive test results, (knowing how much pain and suffering goes on each time he accidentally gets some), so maybe it was good he snuck that dinner roll and ate that graham cracker at church.  Ha ha. 

Anyhow, the dr said that Silas will probably outgrow most of his allergies.  Some may always stick with him, but hopefully we can get his body out of this hypersensitive "funk" and then the allergies he has hopefully won't cause such violent reactions when he is exposed.  We are working on that right now.  The dr has Silas on Quercetin which is something like an anti inflammatory supplement to lessen his immune response when he is exposed to an allergen.  Hopefully this will cut down on how long he is sick & how violent he reacts.  For instance, he has had gluten & or soy FIVE times in the past 5 weeks and his body reacted worse each time until the last time he finally ended up with a fever with a headache, stomach ache, explosive & urgent stools, and terrible rashes/eczema around his mouth, tooshie, and all over his body.  The first time he just had the rash around his mouth & toosh, a small headache & tummy ache.  Each time it got progressively worse until it peaked with the fever.  This is the same pattern we have noted for years while he was eating all the allergens.  He has been gluten & dairy free for an entire year and had virtually no slip ups until the past month & a half.  I think he is getting to the age where he realizes that it stinks to be him when he goes to church or a party or when he is around his friends & they are all eating different stuff than him (that he wants!)  It must be so hard to be five and deal with this!

Anyhow, we look forward to the future and soon we will start challenging the allergens to see if the quercetin is helping heal Silas up enough to endure adding things back into his diet.  I will give updates as we go through this journey. 

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