Monday, September 24, 2012

So, about two months ago, I learned that I have IgE allergies to peanuts and both parts of the egg (in addition to dust, dust mites, cats, grass, trees, weeds, and just about everything that produces pollen in Oregon.)  Now, this didn't hit me as hard as it would have several years ago before "The Silas Incident" when we began our journey of "eating to live" rather than the way we formally lived, which was "living to eat."  I had already scaled back on both eggs and peanuts in addition to all the other things Silas was allergic to, so it wasn't a huge change.  But, it was still a change because I found myself sneaking things when he wasn't looking or when he was away at school.  After all, I wasn't the one with the food allergies (right?!), so why should I have to suffer with him when he wasn't looking?!  :o)  I was a little rebellious at first after I got my test results back, but when I ate a snickers bar (which has both eggs & peanuts in it) in a jam, I decided that it most certainly was NOT worth the side effects it gave me.  WOW, not cool at all!  I can live without peanuts!  Eggs are a bit harder, but I can do without them too!  FOOD ALLERGIES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silas also discovered he now has IgE allergies to hazelnuts and almonds.  There are lots of things we haven't been tested for & I suspect there might be a few others still, but this is at least a start.  I noticed a HUGE change in Silas when I removed the hazelnut butter out of his diet.  He was eating it at least once a week and I kept wondering what the reactions were from!  He was sick all last winter & spring, throwing up at least once a month with fevers, headaches, skin reactions, and bowel issues, night terrors/screaming, more pronounced sullen & tired behavior, heavy & achy legs, along with the bloating he could NEVER get rid of.  The poor child looked a lot like those skinny starving African children you see on tv that are skin & bones but have a huge, distended stomach.  Well, Silas wasn't nearly as heart wrenching as those precious children are, but he is skinny & had the distended stomach that was very noticeable.  I remember watching him run around with his shirt off this summer at a Water Wars church event with all the other kids, and I could see his little tummy sticking way out.  It really struck me at that point that something was STILL very wrong.  My poor baby shouldn't look like that! I was told to stop testing the poor child  - that enough was enough, but I kept pushing for answers (we did lots more testing & went to the children's GI dr to check out that side of things.)  I am so glad I did.  Just a little note to you parents who think there might be something going on....go with your gut (both literally & figuratively, Ha!)  Now that I pulled hazelnuts out of his diet, his tummy is flat some days & you can see a bit of a six pack!  Other days it is a little bloated & I can tell something is still bothering him.  :o(

I also wanted to share some encouraging news.  Silas did NOT test positive (in the IgE test, which is the immune system) to wheat & dairy allergies!  It does still show up for IgG allergies so it doesn't mean they are gone yet, but I do believe he is outgrowing them!  I often wonder if he would even still be with us if we hadn't changed things up when we did.  He was so very, very, very sick and he wasn't growing right (his percentiles dropped from 100% both in height & weight  to the teens, then after his diet changes back up to 75th% & 75th%!).  I have no doubt he would have had permanent damage such as crohns or some other disease if he was still alive, IF we hadn't changed the way he ate.  I praise the LORD he caught my attention and directed my steps in this matter.  Thank you Jesus for saving my baby and giving him a chance at a healthy life! 

I want to clarify that I am not into "fad diets" or the latest trend in foods, but I am into keeping my family from having scary reactions to food and cooking things that taste good despite all of our restrictions.  NONE of this is by choice (though now that I know what I know, it would be hard to ever go back, so by choice I would probably stick with it!)  As my kids grow up, they will make their own choices and carry around an epi-pen if they must, but right now they are not old enough to make wise educated choices for themselves or to understand the consequences of their actions. 

I hope we are able to bring encouragement to those of you who are also on this food journey, or who are just trying to be healthy!  Thank you for sharing this journey with us!

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